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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Benito Juárez: The Indigenous Statesman Who Shaped Modern Mexico: Mexico...

Zapotec = Toltec, Olmec and Aztec = Zapotecs ... and what we do is termed "Zapoteca" .. in contrast to the megalithic temples and pyramids being built is termed "Tolteca " ..and it's us, the Zapotecs that will land en masse at Nazca in 2102 and crush the corporate global fascist state... just like that Nazi New World  Order or Rule by Secrecy system began in 1948 with the Balfour Declaration and turned the world into Orwell's "1984" through a system of "inversion" or "Sabbateanism"... the beginning of the end of white supremacy was kicked off 2012 with the Tzolkin and will crescendo in 2102 .. problem for the white supremacists' our "inversion" is way more effective than their myopic and selfish inversion system.. hey don't have a chance , but we did give them 80 years of notification .. see we are fair when they aren't  ..and I'm the leader of all Zapotecs in the galaxy. Including the Toltec Sorcerers and Mayan Jaguar priests.. and I don't practice sorcery... 

#thetaylyrian #olivioso #lhatay #livylove #thetoltec #channel5 #toltecsorcerers #VanHelsing #MonAlis #comforteque #electronics #hometheater #goldlivia

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Mexican Giants, Myth or Real? Mexico Unexplained

Tenochtitlan literally means: abode of the Enochian Titans .. that is what the bible is intimating when it says the Titans were 9 yaits high.. or 9 yards as it were ..also the buddhas at Bamiyan were comprehensive examples of the various heights of the Olmecs (funny how they blew that up as soon as Afghanistan was invaded huh?) .. Enoch was the mold of mankind for a previous "round" Jesus and or Iesu (Sanskrit it means: serpent, dragon snake) is the mold for our round.. Manu or Viavasvatu Manu means "kind mold" essentially .. the bible clearly states once that Jesus was "Tecnoch or Technoc" .. the word is a blend of Enoch and Toltec .. Jesus is pronounced Hay-Soos .. Jesus is Mexican and was/is and will always be a Toltec Sorcerer .. all megalithic sites, Pyramids and Temples, with the embedded "vorticular geometrics" are Toltec, and the engineering and production of them is termed "Tolteca" ..all Pyramids are building platforms for magnetic starships and they control magnetic torque upon initial lift-off .. in 2102 (2012 backwards) CE we will land en masse at Nazca and stay on earth for one processional cycle of the equinoxes to restore order and paradise to this beautiful and mysterious planet